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Mother, Like This Feels like Contractions Nearing Labor

Pain during childbirth is one of the fears that are often thought by pregnant women. Especially if this is the first delivery, it is only natural that Mother does not have a picture of what the contractions are like before labor. To answer this, let's refer to the complete information in this review. The pain that appears during contractions before childbirth is normal, certainly different from pain in general. The pain experienced is not necessarily the same for every woman. It depends on the physical and mental readiness before delivery, as well as various other factors, such as the support and motivation obtained during labor.

Overview of Pain During Contractions

While waiting for labor to arrive, the picture felt during a contraction may not be easily explained through words, because everyone has a different experience when experiencing it. Even so, there are some instructions that can be used to describe the contraction before delivery, namely:
  • Contractions before delivery are more or less similar to menstrual cramps. The difference is, these contractions will feel several times heavier than menstrual stomach cramps.
  • The feeling of contraction is also similar to flatulence or 'begah' which makes Mother very uncomfortable. If the taste does not subside even after bowel movements or bowel movements, this could be an indication that labor is approaching.
  • The shorter the contraction distance and the heavier the pain intensity is felt, indicating the time of delivery is near. To be sure, Mother can record when and how long the contractions occur, also how strong the pain felt.
  • By the time the baby is born, the contractions will get stronger as an effort to push the baby out of discomfort can spread to all parts of the abdomen, starting from the front, right and left of the abdomen, to the back.
A contraction that arises is not always a sign that the mother will give birth soon, you know. It could be that it is only a result of being tired, dehydrated or standing for too long. In addition, there are also so-called fake contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions, which can appear in late trimester pregnancy and are the body's mechanism for preparing the uterus for labor. However, contractions before labor have a stronger intensity, closer contractions and continued pain.

Tips to Reduce Pain During Contractions

The pain will indeed be felt when contractions arise before labor. Even so, you don't need to worry. Doctors can provide several types of treatment to reduce the pain that is felt. In addition to medication, there are several ways you can do to help reduce pain due to contractions, while waiting for the time of delivery. Especially if the results of the examination, the opening is still small. These methods include:
  • Doing activities that can distract from pain, for example watching television or walking around the house or in the nursing room.
  • Trying to relax by suggesting that the pain is a gift that needs to be enjoyed before the birth of a baby into the world.
  • Try to take the time to sleep, in order to prepare the energy that will be needed in labor later.
  • Make a groaning sound. Although it sounds strange, this method is effective to relieve pain you know. Do this while focusing on breathing.
  • Do massage, for example in the legs, arms, or lower back. You can ask your partner or family to do it. This form of attention is very effective in making Mother more relaxed and better prepared for labor.
How a feeling of contraction can not be known for certain before experiencing it yourself. Stay calm and try to enjoy each process, so that the moments of contraction will be easier to pass. Remember, all struggles to endure the pain that Mother experienced will be replaced with a sense of happiness when the Little One was born. If you feel that you do not know much about the proper delivery information, try to consult further with a doctor or midwife.


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